Sunday, September 16, 2007

Recommitting to the Goal

Hello all,
First off, I have been lurking and reading posts, but this last week I was going through a tough time with my motivation and progress. I was feeling a bit lost and disconnected and I had to do some soul searching and reminding myself of why I got started on this to begin with. Tom and I both realized we needed to get back on track with the training program and get more consistent with our running workouts and get started again! So we went on a 5 mile run on Saturday and then (despite being hungover Sunday morning) went for a very strenuous 6+ mile hike Sunday. It felt really good to loosen those muscles up again and as it turns out, it was the perfect cure for a hangover.

Which reminds me - after taking a month off of drinking, I got buzzed on Friday and drunk on Saturday night - it doesn't take much especially after not drinking for a while, but I completely overdid it Saturday night. I'm ready however to go back on a low to no-drinking habit again as I could see the effects in my skin, my mood and my weight. Oy. So in the interests of achieving my bikini body by January goal and my 1/2 marathon by December goal, I'm back off the sauce I think until Halloween. Occasional social sips notwithstanding... ;-)

My goals for this week are to run twice during the week, do weights 3 times, and do a long run next Saturday. I will not drink any alcohol during the week, and I will eat cleanly during the week. I would like to lose 2 lbs this week. And I will check in with my progress on this blog several times this week and read and respond as appropriate to your blogs.

Also, I wanted to put an idea out there for all of us - Lisa is going to be coming up for a visit on Sunday September 30th in the morning (her flight gets in at around 9am) and I thought it would be cool if we all got together for our long run and possibly lunch after. I think it would be a good opportunity for us all to connect as a group and talk about what we're going through. And we can do an out-and-back route to make it so that we can all go at our own pace while still doing it as a group. If this seems like something you would be interested in doing, we can meet at Tom's and my house maybe at 10 on Sunday the 30th and go to the beginning of the Los Gatos Creek Trail near our house. No pressure on time or pace, just go out and have fun and run. Let me know if this sounds like something you'd like to do and we can make a plan of it.

Love you all, I look forward to reconnecting with you and with my training in the week to come. AMY


Anonymous said...

I think I'll bow out of that group hike. I kid, I kid!

Sounds like fun. I'm excited. I'm doing my 7 mile run/walk this weekend. Wish me luck.

I'm actually thinking about getting back on the WW track again. Have you thought about it?

I get to see you soon! You guys will get you picture soon enough!

Agnanashini said...

Lisa - I have thought about doing that - especially with 20lbs still to lose before bikini in the caribbean time. Were you gonna do the meetings and all? I could be up for that, especially if you move up here. ASAP.

Good luck on your 7 miler - we're gonna do a 6 mile run on Saturday. And we're gonna run outside for 30 minutes tomorrow and thursday. woohoo! Walked with Michelle today on West Cliff and did a crazy upper body workout at the gym this morning. Oy.

Finish your thesis this past weekend?

Anonymous said...

Amy, I do want to recommit to WW. I pulled out all my books and started reading through the points thing again. If there's a Sunday or Monday meeting in your area, maybe we should go together and join up! What do you say?

Agnanashini said...

Lisa - there's several 9:30 meetings on Monday and we could go to one before you head over the hill for lunch. I wasn't really stoked on the one closest to my house, but that's cause I went by myself probably. So much more fun with a friend. The registration is free right now, but the weekly rate has gone up to $12 and I believe you have to go consistently to avoid having to re-register. What do you think about doing it ourselves (together) and setting a specific time and day for weigh-in until you move up here. I have all the materials too. Then when you move up here we can find a meeting to go together to.