Wednesday, October 17, 2007

also checking in

Hi guys -
I'm getting back into running - i did 2 miles on Saturday - trail run, and went to the gym on monday evening and did 2 miles. knee gives me twinges, but is holding out. i thought the germ battle was over, but in fact is still ongoing -- i had to get up early tues and today, so less sleep and drained - teaching the new sales reps - takes a lot out of me and my throat is sore and i'm stuffed up - slight fever. still can't get rid of the bug - or keep getting new ones? AND - flying tomorrow for business, back Saturday (not as glamorous as one would think, jet-setting around, although i will be staying at a nice hotel). i went to east west bookstore and check me out - i bought a travel neti pot made out of space-age plastic! so i'm packing. i pray that my health will improve and not get worse and i will try to be gentle with myself. i plan on using the hotel gym on saturday morning. great work you guys - you inspire me!! in fact, you ROCK - Lisa and Michelle and Amy and Tom !!


Anonymous said...

Hi Teresa!

That's really good that you're keeping your body moving even though you are fighting off bugs! It sounds like you're stilling listening to your body and doing what feels right.

As for the travel neti pot, that's awesome. I heart neti pots. Those things are so freakin' awesome, aren't they?

Well, keep nurturing yourself and get better, so we can all hang out in Vegas!

Agnanashini said...

Hmm.... I'm not sure what happened to my response, but... way to go Teresa! Keep it up - keep your firm but loving self-support up. And the neti pots - those rock. (I mentioned in the comment that didn't get posted - neti pots are awesome even though I sometimes have an aversion to using them when i most need them.)

Way to check in Lisa, :-)