Monday, October 8, 2007

We did it - 8 miles

So despite kind of slacking on our running training the last 2 weeks (we did hiking, walking and weight workouts, but not much actual running), Tom and I made a commitment to ourselves to keep up with the long runs - no matter how long it takes us. So Saturday we ran 8 miles (well, we walked some of it, but we went 8 miles overall). I definitely could feel it, although part of what I was feeling was joy. It was a lot of fun. I listed to Justin Timberlake's FutureSexLoveSounds and just jammed. That is a great album to run to. Towards the very end (last mile) I was getting a not-quite right feeling in my legs (as in injury could happen, better adjust). So I walked some and then changed my stride to really engage my butt and arms to push myself off rather than clodding down with my knees and flat feet (I tend to clunk a lot when I'm tired and don't use my muscles). My legs felt better, and then when I got back to the car I stayed and did a lot of stretching as I cooled down which helped immensely the rest of the weekend. I wore my heart rate monitor and that was a really big help - I wasn't trying to keep myself in a % heart rate, but I did pay attention to my perceived efforts and how that correlated to my heart rate beats-per-minute. And it was nice to see the amount of calories burned at the end.


Teresa said...

WOW - that's really awesome!!

~M~ said...

Yeah, you guys ROCK! Way to go!!!!

Anonymous said...

You guys are awesome. After a really great hike/run last Saturday I am completely motivated to continue.

I wasn't able to get too much training in while I was in Oakland and Marin, but now that I'm back home I'm kickin' it up this week.

Also, I haven't heard back from the job in Scotts Valley yet. They wrote me an email today telling me that they have to interview with one more person and that they will be getting back to me in the next few days. Send me good juju!

Agnanashini said...

Lisa - good luck with the job, I really want you to get it - so you can move the heck up here!!!

It was really fun to go hiking and running with you and you totally motivated me with your crazy fast running. People, it was insane - she's small, got short legs AND she broke her pelvis in January, and she STILL kicked Tom and my butts out there. What a superstar. :-)