Tuesday, December 18, 2007

5 Week New Year New You Challenge - Who's In?

OK - this is a self-created, self-regulated challenge beginning tomorrow, ending January 23rd.

Why? Well for me, its my Cayman's bikini final push. But its just as good for not gaining weight over Christmas and New Year's, and for starting the new year off with a bang.

Here's what it looks like - a next-level kind of push - working out regularly is great, and we've all been doing that. Eating well is super - and we've all been working towards that as well. But now its time to shake out of that rut and (if you've been relaxing since the race) get back into a fitness health goal and buck it up for 5 weeks. Or, if you really want to do it in 4, that's cool too.

So who's in? Here are some preliminary guidelines for gameplay.

Rules -
  • You set your own goals - if you need help planning we can help, but your goals are totally self-defined.
  • Accountability - you put your goals out here on the board and then update weekly
  • Proof - take before and after photos - you don't have to post/share, just take so you can see the raw data. Also take measurements (weight, inches, BF, dress size - whatever is really pertinent to you) weekly and post. The proof is for you - no one is going to call you out, but its both motivating and helpful to track your progress. :-)
  • Reward - You have to set a reward for yourself that you really want. Something that is really going to motivate you. For me, new bikini in Caymans.
  • Any other rules? Add them here
  • Other People Too - I'm going to open this up to whoever wants to do this thing - I think its the perfect time for it, and if you have a friend who wants to do it, please invite them!

Here's what my next-level training commitments look like:

Exercise -
5 days at the gym (3 weight days, 2 HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training, ie BFL type cardio)
6 evening workouts at home (3 low intensity cardio workouts, 3 Superset training workouts using compound moves and bodyweight)
1 long run (5 - 8 miles preferably outside)
1 Yoga workout per week

Food -
5 meals totalling 1500-1700 calories per day - no whole "days off" - 3 cheat meals per week
No caffeine/stimulants
No alcohol (possible exception of a glass of wine socially at christmas and new years)
No fried foods
No crazy sugar bombs
Fiber! And how - 30 grams per day as per recommended daily allowance
Water! You betcha - 3 liters per day minimum
Veggies - 5 servings per day

Goals -
Weekly - achieve daily fitness and food goals, lose 2.5 lbs per week
Overall - Get to ideal weight of 133 - 12 lbs fat lost
Strengthen and tone butt and legs and abdominals
Eliminate back pain due to weak abs and tight/weak hamstrings
Lower BF to below 30%

Rewards -
Weekly - massage, beauty treatment, bikini or clothes for trip
Final - hmmm.... all new hair including color? A little makeover from Cam... That sounds awesome.

OK, who wants in? I want you all with me for company!!! heh heh, but seriously. Are you ready to boot-camp yourself?!?!

Love and Light,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amy, things have been so hectic around here. We are finally settled in and getting use to our new surroundings!

I am totally up for this New Year's Challenge, however, I am going to be making mine a 5 month challenge.

I still have to fit into my wedding dress and of course, I want to look bikini ready in Hawaii.