Thursday, July 19, 2007

My First Time

So I finally gave in...I signed up for a gmail account. It's not the best email address, but I think it will serve it's purposes. Hi folks, it me, chinky nutts!

I've been reading the past entries and have become encouraged with all that you guys are writing. It is so great to read what everyone is doing for their half marathon training. Now that I've read what you are up to, I feel like I should start off my first post with how I've been doing with my training.

I started a few months ago and decided to aim for a 5K goal. I've meet that and now I'm training for a 10K goal. To solidify my 5K goal I am going to run the Ryka 5k race. I'm not shooting for a best time, but just completing the race all the way without walking. I'll sign up for a 10K within a few weeks to help me solidify that goal. After that, I'll be training half marathon style.

I was bummed a few weeks ago as I was having some medical issues. Some wacky virus attacked my head and I was having all kinds of issues. But now I'm back on track and back in the groove that is running.

I'm thinking about getting a massage this weekend. My hammies are killing me! Amy, know any good stretches to loosen up those hammies?

Also, I've been running three days a week and doing 50 minute training weight training sessions three times a week. I walk my dog every day for about 30 minutes, even after my workouts, so I feel like I'm really getting my exercise ya-ya's out. Sundays are my long walk/hike days and yoga, if I can squeeze it in. Wednesday's are my off days and I don't do much of anything after work.

My eating has been alright. It's really hard to resist all the great fruit that is in season right now. My local farmers market has a lot of delicious stuff right now and I find that I am telling myself that fruit is good for me, that and frozen yogurt. I need suggestions for dinner ideas. The chicken breast, brown rice and broccoli is getting old

I think that's about it now. I'm so excited that all of us are doing this together. This is awesome! I only hope that I can provide some sort of inspiration and help other through this training adventure.


~M~ said...

Welcome Chinky Nutts! You're already an inspiration just by being here...

Agnanashini said...

YAY! Lisa's on board!!! Ok, so I know we talked today, but just to reiterate and respond to your email...

1. definitely get a massage!!! because your pelvis is naturally posteriorly tilted, your hamstrings are prone to being short and tight, and with your accident and subsequent injury, your pelvis and surrounding fascia (the connective web of tissue around the muscles) is probably more immobile than it was before the accident. Massage on your lower back, hamstrings, quads and adductors (inside legs) should be very helpful to opening up the area.
2. Yoga! I'll send you those mp3 files. In general yoga is very good for opening up and lengthening your pelvis.
3. Stretches - I'm adding some links to the sidebar which should help.
4. It really sounds like you might be overtraining. I know you don't want to hear that, BUT - 6 days of training plus 30 minutes additional 7 days a week, especially after an illness (and you are still rehabbing) may be a little much. Since you are feeling so tight, try some crosstraining for a week or so - cycling or swimming are good alternatives that will help use other muscles and keep you still on track. And try to add in some gentle stretching am and pm - just to keep fluids moving, and tissue soft.
5. Fruit - YUMMY!!! Well, I can't see much wrong with fresh organic fruit, even if it has some calories. Its got fiber, nutrients - just add some protein (a little string cheese maybe?)so your blood sugar doesn't go off the charts. Our bodies crave different things throughout the year - I hate salads in the winter, but LOVE them in the summer. In the summer I want fruit, not a 7 layer bar and hot chocolate. So go with the fruit and enjoy the bounty of the season. I think that answered everything, anybody else?