Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Hi Everyone

This is way overdue. Life has been tough lately. I went to the doc a few weeks ago about my leg. Nothing too informative. Prescribed some physical therapy that I can't afford, so trying to figure that out. It doesn't look like I'll be running with you in Vegas, which really bums me out more than I can say. I'm still anxious to get back out there and running, but I can't yet :(. Besides that, the rest of my life is all upside down and changing and scary and hard and it freaks me out so I haven't written about it or checked in for a while. I hope everyone is doing great and avoiding injuries and having fun. I've been nursing an injured heart (emotionally, not physically) the last few weeks and I hate to admit that that's interrupted my exercise schedule more than my physical injury. I've been walking and done a lot of garden work and managed to stay physical, but I finally managed to get 30 min on the stairmaster yesterday. That felt good. I want to know how all of you are doing too. Teresa, did you do the 5k? How'd it go? How is everything going for everyone?


Agnanashini said...


That's a big hug for you. Lets work together to get you back on track physically - even if you don't end up doing the half marathon, you loved running and I want to see you being able to get back to that.

I love you sweetpea.

Moksha said...

Hi Michelle! I'm totally bummed that you've been hit hard emotionally and physically :-(
Wishing you a speedy and light recovery!

"It is said an Eastern monarch once charged his wise men to invent him a sentence, to be ever in view, and which should be true and appropriate in all times and situations. They presented him the words: "And this, too, shall pass away." How much it expresses! How chastening in the hour of pride! How consoling in the depths of affliction!"
- Abraham Lincoln, 1859

Anonymous said...

I'm so sad that you won't be able to join us in Vegas. Are you still going to come and hang out with us? What about walking the half marathon? Is that also too much to do with your knee injury?

I hope that things start getting better for you. Just remember that you're a beautiful, strong woman who deserves to be happy. :)

Agnanashini said...

Michelle - Lisa's got a point - there's no reason you couldn't walk the whole thing (provided you aren't injured too much). That's STILL a major accomplishment (I mean really, how many people can WALK 13 miles?). Either way, its good to hear you are getting physical again even if its not running. Love you AMY