Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Hello Everybody! Where We At?

I'm ready to do this thing! I mean, I'm kind of tired and stiff, but no injuries and I'm ready to tackle and conquer this race and enjoy that awesome feeling of accomplishment. And then get cracking on my next physical goal - BFL before we hit the Caymans in mid-January.

I've learned however that I'm more able to do either a focus on endurance running or a focus on weightloss and weight training, but not really both. Too exhausting and too different. Limiting my caloric intake is not always helpful when doing these long runs - my recovery takes way longer.

But I'm ready for Sunday - even if I walk it, I'm still gonna finish it. And I think I won't have to walk it. Or at least not ALL of it... hahaha. seriously though. How is everybody else doing?

Any last minute questions? Words of wisdom? Freakouts?

Can't wait to see you all on Saturday. Love AMY


Moksha said...

well, I'm kinda pissed because my knee is freakin hurting and I'm concerned I'll just frack myself up after running 13 miles. I think I'll be walking the majority of it and hoping I can finish before nightfall. maybe I'll wear a backpack with beer in it to keep me going ;-) oh well, I wish I wouldn't have injured myself but what's done is done....

~M~ said...

I'm SOOOOOO proud of ALL of you! I'm really sad I can't be running or walking with you guys. And I'm bummed I can't even be there to see you guys finish. I will be cheering you on from wherever I am!!! You guys rock so hard! Seriously... Love you guys :)

Teresa said...

Tom - sorry to hear that your knee is still messed up - that sucks.
i was able to get mine back in reasonable order. i have been doing about 30 min every day or every other day, walking and running. i'm so freaking out about all the details up in the air with work that running 13 miles will be a comparative piece of cake - seriously, my stomach is in knots over this. i think i better go exercise as a de-stress, but i have so much to do. i'm supposed to be at a conference, but i'm in my hotel room working.
see you guys soon!!

Anonymous said...

Tom, did you hurt your knee from the long run we did while I was up? I'm sorry about your knee. Have you tried using one of those knee band things? I see a lot of people use those things.

I defended my thesis on Monday. I am so relieved. I have a few edits to make and I plan on doing that before I leave for Vegas. So when I come back, all I have to do is submit that bad boy and I'm done! I am so happy right now.

The race is going to be exciting. I have never done anything like this before, so the experience itself will be fabulous for me. I'm so glad I've got good friends to join me in this.


Teresa said...

Congratulations on your successful thesis defense!!