Monday, November 12, 2007

this post is about ME (ten miles)...

i tried to think about the planet...
but damn i'm hurting today...!
my left knee doesn't bend, i ache like i'm an old lady and i'm sleeeeepy. i think its the double shot of training hard at the gym on saturday followed by running TEN MILES (woo hoo) on sunday.
My recovery this week was better than last - doing regular shots of GU really helped me not have achy crampy stomach like i did after the 8-mi last week. i felt ok the rest of the day yesterday - i'm just so beat today. and oh yeah - i gave a 1.5 hr lecture to 50 new sales trainees today, which added to my exhaustion.
during my runs i listen to dance music on my iPod - some is really inspirational. the beat really helps me keep going. dance music has been my workout partner for many years. looking forward to going for 12 next week - are we running on sunday? (let me know b/c if its saturday, it will conflict with my personal trainer time).
love yall,


~M~ said...

YAY Teresa! That's awesome. I'm super excited for you all. I can't believe it's almost here.

Agnanashini said...

Hey Teresa,

CONGRATULATIONS! You are awesome!

I know we already confirmed this in person, but yes, we are doing the run on Saturday. And I bet your knee feels a lot better after the massage. :-)

By the way, for everyone - if you've got knee pain, check in with your stretching during and post-run. Most knee pain especially given the workouts we've all been doing, is related to overly and unevenly tight quads, IT bands and adductors. It doesn't take much time to stretch when the muscles are very warm, and it makes a HUGE difference both in recovery and performance. 5 minutes can save a lot of pain afterward!!! Or feel free to book a massage too. :-)

Anonymous said...

This is great! I'm so glad you were able to get out there and bust your ass.

I am totally looking forward to busting some more ass on Saturday with you!

Teresa said...
