Monday, August 6, 2007

Amy Fall Down and Go Boom

Well, as it turns out, I am kinda clumsy when I'm hung over and trail running...

Saturday - went on a long hike and run with Tom and a new friend.
Saturday night - invited new friend over and drank margaritas and ate chicken fajitas made at home (yum!)
Sunday morning - hmmm.... no headache, but feeling kinda foggy and slow - lets go for another hike run
Sunday afternoon - finally get out there and climbed up steep ridge - nice view, want to hurl, feeling shaky but good to be outside, running down the other side (after the steep part, during the long part) - I go to pass a couple walking on the trail, say hi, do a little maneuver and BAM!

So I wrenched something in my left knee and my right calf is all scraped up and my hands are roughed up too.

But I ran all the way back to the car (2+ miles). Which makes me a super stud.

Today I'm pretty sore, and a little bit concerned about the left knee. And I had to reschedule my massages for the day (what with the open wounds and all). But I'm moving around and that's good.

And apparently the 5 lbs I lost last week was entirely water weight, cause now I'm back up. What.Ever.


~M~ said...

You ARE a super stud! But I am sorry to hear about the fall. I hope your wounds heal soon! Good to keep moving around too.

Anonymous said...

Freakin' A! I'm sorry to hear about your fall. I'm sure you already are, but take care of that knee. =o)

I just had the birthday week of my life. I'm hung over on celebration and food. I want to do some sort of cleanse this week with veggies, clean protein and water. Any suggestions?

Also, you're going to be here soon!

Agnanashini said...

Yay Lisa! I can't wait to see you. :) So, I'm thinking the same thing about cleansing. Let me think on it - its gotta be enough protein and food to support the working out. What are the toxins you want to purge? I need some liver support and general weight watching and more fluids. I've been weaning myself back off of caffeine. I'm guessing your birthday vices were more of the sugar, simple carbs, cheese variety than the drugs and alcohol variety.