Monday, October 29, 2007

Halloween Training

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Teresa the Dark Fairy Makes All Your Dark Wishes Come True...

5th Chakra and Marlena Dietrich Get Busy

Our little fallen angel....
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~M~ said...

What? I was doing squats in heels and stuck so I just grabbed on to that to help myself stand back up. Yeah.

Agnanashini said...

hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha - you make me laugh. so hard.

Anonymous said...

It looks like you all had a lot of fun!

What did you guys end up doing?

Kevin and I went to a huge party. We dress up. I'll post pictures in my next post.

4 more week until Vegas!

Agnanashini said...

Lisa - I can't wait to see your pictures!

And we all went to a party up in Scotts Valley - very fun was had by all, followed by a next day of beer drinking and cartoon watching at our house.