Sunday, June 24, 2007

Sunday Workout

I had a great Sunday - Tom and I went over to Santa Cruz to walk with Rita and it was one of those rare, incredibly clear and warm summer days on the water. Not a cloud in the sky and beautiful beautiful beautiful. We walked from Capitola Village to New Brighton beach and back along the beach - the tide was out and we got some good tidal pool walking in too. About 4 miles round trip. We felt so good, that when we got back to San Jose, we decided to go to the gym and do another workout. So I walked for .3 miles, ran 1 mile, walked .1 mile and drank some water, then ran another mile at 6mph and then walked for another .2 miles. That was the first time since I started on this training that I was able to run at my old pace. It was pretty tough and I only did it for half of the time, but it felt good to push myself. My whole session including walking lasted 32 minutes - I'm not up to Teresa's heroic 51 minutes of running! But I definitely am noticing improvements. One thing I want to do more of, is starting to get a very easy night workout in - not to push myself, but because I feel like I need a way to check in to my body again. Otherwise I'm prone to drinking too much liquor and eating too much crap. No more late night Jack In the Box trips (um, there were TWO last week - wtf?!?) Plus, since I'm trying to slowly build my mileage up, two 20-30 minute sessions seem more feasible than 1 40-60 minute session. Tomorrow is a weight workout - I think Michelle and I are on a similar BFL-inspired training plan. Mon., Wed., and Fri. are weight workouts, and Tues. Thurs and Sundays are cardio/running days. Sundays are going to be my long run days. I'm figuring once I get really consistent about my 3 days of running, I'll add in another day.

I've added a links list to the right to help us find some resources, please feel free to add to it. If you have problems adding to it, let me know what you would like to add and I can do it.

1 comment:

~M~ said...

That's awesome!