Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Fear of Exercise

Yep, folks - i've got it bad... Fear of exercise. woke up in a sweat just thinking about it... Not waking up to my alarm clock, just so i don't have to do it!!! i do realize it's holding me back. i'm not exactly sure what i'm afraid of - i suspect that i'm afraid of injuring myself and never getting in shape (isn't that a roundabout way of thinking...) or maybe afraid of just plain hurting - even though i always recover pretty quickly. its been difficult getting my runs in the AM because its hard to get up early and its hard to go to bed early (ok - "challenging")!! and i do want to be at work before 9:30 - because i feel like everyone looks at me funny when i come in at 10 - even if i worked until 9PM last night!! so i just have to 1) pat myself on the back every time i get it done, 2) be gentle with myself when i can't, and 3) kick my own ass when i'm too gentle on myself - man, all 3 are most important!!! i smudged and meditated this morning - Yay me!

So - anyone interested in doing the Palo Alto Weekly - Moonlight Run with me?
I'm up for a 5K!! Friday, September 28th.
We rock!!

1 comment:

Agnanashini said...

First off - YAY YOU!

Secondly - I hear ya - I've been slacking this past week too

Thirdly - remember this is ALL ABOUT YOU. (Just as my experience is all about me and so on and so forth) Giving yourself permission to prioritize your own health and well-being (with no consideration of whether others will approve) is key to your personal life transformation. Your weight, your health, your exercise, the food you eat, the bedtime you choose - all of this is about by and for you, not anyone else. To worry about what everyone else around you thinks of your actions is just an opportunity to stop you from succeeding - and in a way that may make you feel like you aren't doing it to yourself. Ie being helpless or a victim in your own life. But you (and I and everyone else here) know better - YOU ARE A POWERFUL STRONG ACTIVE LOVING SUCCESSFUL WOMAN! So GO TERESA!!!