Thursday, August 30, 2007


C'mon people, how are we doing?!?! This blog is not just for the good things, but for the tough times too - what's going on people? Would you share your experiences? Please? I'll start. Oy, I'm crampy. But on the other hand, I haven't been drinking any liquor for several weeks now, so I think I'm probably LESS crampy than I would have been. My period seems to be lighter which is good. I crawled to the gym this morning, but did my second official training workout. Woohoo! I do need new shoes, but that may have to wait a little while until I get more money. I'm down 7 lbs since we started the blog, but still over my old set point of 150 by 5 lbs. Slowly but surely getting there. And I'm sweating disgusting amounts every day. I guess that's my metabolism kicking up, but its totally gross. But my skin looks great. So everything's good and bad and up and down. What is going on with y'all?


Moksha said...

Well, I'm feeling pretty good... finally! working out is getting easier and easier and I'm feeling the results. I've started to supplement with creatine and l-glutamine (among others) and I think I notice a great difference in my mood and energy post workout. I'm building muscle and losing fat, but haven't quantified yet. the creatine adds water weight so I have to take caliper and tape measurements to track. probably do this only once per month. But anyway, this is the first week I've actually made it to the gym ALL DAYS!!! yeah!! I'm happy about that. :-) Keep up the good work and stay on track! We'll all get there in time if we just keep on track.

Anonymous said...

I'm doing good. I have to do some run/walking this evening for my second day of training. I did my first day of training on Wednesday.

I'm feeling good, but the heat here in SD is killing me. We're at 90+ here and that's super wicked to exercise in. I'm doing my workouts at the gym.

I am having egg white protein shakes almost everyday now and I've had some pretty tasty healthy meals over the week. Overall, I'm feeling good and liking the way I am adjusting in my skin and my clothes.

BBQ'd a whole chicken this week and have been eating it in salads most of the week. It's fantastic and I'm glad Amy was able to show me this mindful eating habit.

And now we must push on through a 3-day weekend. Stay motivated and remember, we'll be at week 13 soon!