Friday, June 22, 2007

Michelle's Improvising

Hi everyone. So, my first week was great on the treadmill. It's currently out of order, though, and last week I used that as an excuse not to train. This week, I decided not to let that stop me. I had to make friends with the stairclimber. And I had to get back onto a weight training program too. So that was my focus this week. I need to get a good pair of running shoes and log a little more gym time before I hit the road. So this week I focused on weight training. Had a power-walk cardio session on Tues, and yesterday 20 min on the stairclimber. That doesn't sound like much, but that was over a mile of stairs. I've done 20 min of stairclimber in a workout before, but not all at once...usually as intervals with weights or other cardio. So I was happy about that. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. And it can't hurt in getting the legs/butt in shape either :).


Agnanashini said...

ow.... my butt! yes - stairclimbers are evil. BUT they do help approximate HILL WORKOUTS - one of the holy trinity of running training. Hill Training, Speed Workouts and Long Runs are the three main types of running training workouts. Hill Training builds strength, Speed Workouts push your VO2 Max capabilities, and Long Runs build mileage!

Teresa said...

are there going to be hills??

Agnanashini said...

Nope, no hills, but doing strength training is always good for improving your overall running conditioning. Hills=strength training=faster on the flat parts.