Sunday, June 24, 2007

New Shoes! - plus i kicked ass today

i got a new pair - mizunis - they're nice - from the runner's high in menlo.
i did 3 miles today - in 51 min!!
my fav thing to do after my run is to use the ruler on google earth and figure out how far i went!
i was feeling kinda crappy after tho - that'll teach me for going out at noon in the sun.
the first .5 was a total bitch, but then i got in a groove which lasted until i was almost back...
going to chicago tomorrow, bringing shoes with.


Agnanashini said...

That's AWESOME Teresa - my current shoes are Mizunos too. I like the way they securely fit my feet and they're light.

It sounds like you are doing enough time-wise for now. I would stay at this amount of time per workout for a couple of weeks and focus on getting that amount of time to feel easy, and increasing your mileage within that time. I will find some info on training by mileage vs training by time and post here. For now, you are at about an hour of cardio each time, and that is a good amount to get comfortable with before you start to increase. Its better to be a little conservative and not overtrain at this stage than possibly overtrain and risk injury or exhaustion/fatigue. On the other hand, its really exciting to push yourself and feel how well your body responds! Just be aware of nurturing your body and its recovery process.

~M~ said...

Yay Teresa! Way to go! It think I need to go shoe shopping this week... :)