Monday, July 9, 2007

Crampy McCramperson and the Bloated Bellies

I love being a woman. Really. What with the raging hormones and the severe bloat...
Couldn't handle running this morning, but I went to the gym and powerwalked a mile on incline on the treadmill and then 3/4 mile on the stairclimber. Worked out for 28 minutes, and burned 225 calories. Better than nothing. Which is what I wanted to do.

Yesterday however, Tom and I and our other friend Tom went on a 2 hour hike. Followed by lunch at the Poor House Bistro in downtown San Jose. Mmmm.... good Louisiana style food. The hike was strenuous and I was sore this morning. Although that could be due to the most annoying period ever.

How's everyone else?


~M~ said...

Way to go! It's not easy to get to the gym when you're feeling all hormonal and bloaty. It usually helps a bit, but getting there and sticking it out is the hard part, so yay for you!

I'm feeling good, my right knee is a bit sore, but not worse than yesterday which is good, I think. Perhaps my other sore muscles might be making it seem worse than it is.

Agnanashini said...

hey, btw, hahahahaha - we're practically on the same cycle even though we live in different towns. Jinx.