Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Oh, yeah, we went running again!

So, to recap my trip to Chicago - got here last Saturday, totally chilled out that night. Sunday went for a 2.5 mile walk/run, Monday went for a 3 mile run, Tuesday went for a 4-5 mile walk/run, Wednesday, tired and hung over, BUT went for a great 3 mile run along the Lake shore downtown, and then walked around doing the Taste of Chicago for another 3 miles. I was exhausted by the end of the day and my knees were pretty sore, but I feel good now. I think the sore knees are due to a combo of being dehydrated from drinking so much the night before, and cause my shoes are a little overdue to be replaced or have the inserts replaced. Tomorrow we're gonna do a 2 mile run before we fly out of town. I really enjoyed running outside btw - I had been a little leery to start, I guess because I don't really have a great route right out my front door, and I also like treadmills for starting my training. Anyways, its been really nice to get outdoors and feel sun and air and get all that good chi flowing. And I am REALLY looking forward to coming home.

UPDATE: Ok, that last day, we went for a walk around a long block, but that was it - and that was a lot - I was not feeling it, but kudos to Tom for getting me off my ass and out the door to at least just shake my blood up before getting on a plane for 5 hours. Got back and I ended up being nearly the same weight as before I left (well, I'm the same weight as when I started exercising again, but I had lost 2 lbs, and that's back, but no MORE than that), so that was VERY good. I wasn't planning on losing any weight, I just wanted to burn enough off to cover the food and drink excesses of the trip and apparently I basically did. I'm so bloated its hard to tell if those 2 lbs are really extra fat or just water, but either way I'm ok with it.