Thursday, July 19, 2007

Quote of the Day

So I dunno if we'll really do this everyday, but.... I was talking with a friend of mine about health and a book she is reading called "How We Die" and it talks about how everything we put into our body is a choice we are making to die or live. And that resonates with something I've been focusing on recently - my undetermined mortality. I've decided I don't want to get old and I don't want to die. I have no desire to be creaky, wrinkled, immobile, incontinent or in pain. I'm not buying into it any more. That's it people. Every moment, every second, every action, every inaction is a choice and I am making the choice to LIVE and LIVE WELL. So the quote today is this:

"It comes down a simple choice, really. Either get busy living, or get busy dying."
- Andy Dufresne (Shawshank Redemption)

So lets get busy living people!!!

1 comment:

~M~ said...

That's one of my favorite quotes.