Tuesday, July 24, 2007


I really didn't feel like running. I felt really sluggish, like my legs were made of stone. I didn't have a good run on Thursday. (see "Couragement"). Friday was swimming and Saturday hiking. Both good workouts, but not running. SO, yesterday I decided to go out and do 3 miles, running 2 & walking 1. I wasn't sure I'd be able to do it, but I even exceeded my goal. Yay. I walked .5 mile (warm-up), ran 1 mile, quick bathroom break, ran 1 more mile and decided just before I reached the end of mile 2 that I was going to go a little further...to the stop sign I saw ahead, then realized the stop sign was in the middle of a hill so I might as well keep going until it flattens out. When I got to the top, I realized I had covered another quarter mile. AND, most importantly, there was the noticeable difference that my lungs were having an easier time than usual. That was great.

I'm not experiencing "pain" in my knee, but one of them does feel like it's taking a bit more abuse than the other. I know there are things I can do as far as getting better shoes, and stretching and such. But I also wonder if anyone that used to live in this area...ahem...I guess that means most of you...would know any good places to run "off road". I want to run more often, but also want to alternate on a softer surface while my joints get more and more used to the impact. Any suggestions?

1 comment:

Agnanashini said...

Good for you Michelle, I'm stoked you were able to go forward even not feeling like it at first. I hear you on the not-running part. I have been hiking and lifting weights, but not running, so I really would like to put more focus on that part as well.

As for suggestions for places to run.... Near where you work, I would head to either UCSC - there's trails all around there, plus a couple of outdoor track - or around Natural Bridges there are some dirt trails. Up the coast a little bit there's Wilder Ranch and that's all dirt trails. And pretty. And farther up from that is Waddell Creek, but Wilder Ranch is way closer for you.
Check this out too: http://www.ecotopia.org/trail/
oooh, I just found this site too, which has LOTS of links to SC trails: http://www.scmta-trails.org/Links.html