Friday, August 31, 2007

3-day weekend

I'm happy that I get three days off and I hope you are happy as well. I know for me that three day weekends = food, lounging and being comfy cozy at home. I plan on doing that this weekend, but want to spice it up a bit and integrate some movement and healthy energy.

My ideas for breaking up the fatassness:
  • Take a yoga class on Sunday and do some rowing.
  • Coming up with 3 new healthy meal ideas for the following week
  • Spend some time “cleaning house." This is intended to be both literal and figurative. My house has started to become a cluttered mess, it’s impossible to function well. Ditto for my work and school schedule too.
  • Re-evaluate and stock up my healthy snack options at home, in the car and at work. I'm way more likely to eat healthy snacks when I don't have to choose healthy versus non-healthy.
  • No sleeping in. I want to see how many hours my body actually needs so that I can go to bed and wake up at the same time, regardless of what day of the week it is.
I know that I don't want to overindulge in "bad" food, so to keep things balanced I will allow myself some goodies. I have been trying to not beat myself up over eating certain foods. This type of mentality isn't good for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. I've been trying to be more in tune with how eating certain foods make my body feel (full, gassy, bloated, sluggish, energized, etc.). This has helped me over the last few weeks to train my mind to think about food differently, but to still enjoy it.

Happy three days, folks! I leave you with this image for the start of a wonderful weekend:

1 comment:

Agnanashini said...

You are kicking fatassidous to the curb my dear! How's the sleep schedule going? I'm also feeling you on the food issues - what have you noticed about the foods you are eating? Anything definitely a power food for you? Anything definitely a no-no energy wise? I totally agree with not having no-no foods, but being really conscious about how MUCH of the not-so-healthy foods we eat.