Tuesday, August 7, 2007

4 miles!!!

Hello everyone. If I don't blog about this Amy will come after me. I ran 4 MILES on Friday! Whoo hoo! That's my longest run yet. I parked, and walked a little to the "start" point, 2 miles from Natural Bridges. So I ran the 2 miles to NB and the 2 miles back. I only slowed to walk maybe 3 times and just long enough to drink some watter and catch my breath a little if I needed. But that was kept to a minimum and I'm super stoked, considering not that long ago I ran my first mile EVER.

I also managed to get in some exercise while visiting family this weekend. Which is harder than it sounds, because they aren't exactly active. My oldest nephew wanted to come with me, which was great. I just made sure he knew I wasn't going for a leisurely stroll. But I did map out a shorter route. About 1.6 miles, slightly more. We were out in the country near their house, so it was nice to run off the pavement for a change. Still got the exercise, but a little break for the knees was nice :). I went sort of slow. He walked when he needed. He'd run to catch up if I got ahead or I'd jog ahead and jog back to him. It was great. Later that day was a huge pool party for my other 2 nephews. And by huge, I mean the pool, more than the number of people. They rented the town pool where they live for a private party, so we had this HUGE nice pool all to ourselves. I even had a huge section of pool to do some laps and no one even came near me. So I got a little bit of an upper body workout that day too. So even though Sunday was kind of easy going with the exercise, it felt great to get out there and move and to have fun while getting exercise in the pool. I need to make an effort to do more active fun things. Even though I love the feeling after a good hard workout, it can really feel like a chore while you're doing it. But it's easy to forget that exercise doesn't ALWAYS have to feel like a chore. So yeah, that was my weekend. I overcame that 4 mile mark and I overcame the inactivity that so often sucks me in when I visit family.

My focus now is to keep up with the running and to get my weight training and crosstraining back into the mix. Hope everyone is having a fine Tuesday!

Oh yeah, just on a personal health/goal note: I have been focusing my thoughts whenever I can on fitness rather then weight loss. But I do get on the scale here and there to keep myself updated on where I'm at. As of this weekend, my weight is the lowest it's been in YEARS. At least 5 years, maybe as much as 8. I've got a ways to go for my ideal weight, but I'm very close to passing a huge milestone in the weight category. But this time, the numbers are going down instead of up :). Several people I saw this weekend noticed and commented on the changes as well. That was nice. I made sure to mention that I've been running and exercising. I'm all for the healthier food choices, but I wanted it to be known that activity was a part of my improving fitness. Okay, I maybe I should do some actual work now...haha.


Agnanashini said...


I am really proud of you Michelle.
I really think its important to take the monumental step of prioritizing your health and fitness even when you are around family. I know for me that is always a big trigger - not only cause of the lack of inactivity but also cause I have a tendency to emotionally eat around them, which makes it more important to get movement in. :-) So cheers to you AND your arse. And way to go on including your nephew.

Teresa said...

that's great!!
are you gonna do the moonlight 5K??

~M~ said...

Yeah, I think that would be fun! I won't be breaking any speed records, but I think just entering and finishing a race would be awesome. AND a huge mental boost for the training :).

Anonymous said...

Your post was so inspiring. The next thing you know, we'll need to post before and after pictures!

I am happy that you are accomplishing some major health and fitness goals.